101 Things About 30 Days
Profile, Odd Facts, and The Longest Blogroll in the East!
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
101 Things about Me
1. I am female
2. I am a nurse
3. I am over 35
4. I have dark blonde hair
5. I am overweight
6. I am trying to convince my doctor that I should get gastroplasty, but she won't hear of it.as of 11/06
7. I love sushi
8. I hate lima beans
9. I drink way too much Diet Pepsias of 8/06!
10. I am addicted to coffeeas of 7/06
11. I have no fashion sense
12. I am sarcastic
13. I am toning down the sarcasm as I get older
14. I love animals
15. Vegetarianism isn't for me, although I have tried it
16. I have probably tried every diet that there is
17. I have been successful in nearly all of the diets I have tried
18. I start trying to outsmart my diet around 6 months in and sabotage it each time
19. I have 3 children of my own
20. I have 2 stepchildren
21. I wish they all could get along
22. I didn't get along with my sister when I was growing up
23. We get along very well now
24. I have 6 older half-siblings that I have never met
25. My oldest brother, who I HAVE met, is nearly 35 years older than me
26. I am a Great-Aunt. Nearly all of my Nieces and Nephews are older than me
27. I have been married twice
28. I lived with my current husband for 7 years before we got married
29. If I had lived with my ex-husband before we married, I don't think we would have married
30. I don't regret my first marriage
31. That marriage ended because of me
32. I am afraid of needles
33. I hope that I never have to have a Lumbar Puncture or an Epidural
34. I had all 3 of my children without an epidural, just with a little bit of demerol.
35. My youngest was nearly 10 lbs when he was born
36. He is the smallest now of all of my children
37. I wasn't married to the father of my oldest child
38. I don't regret that either
39. That relationship ended because of me
40. My husband is my 3rd major adult relationship
41. I have never really dated as an adult.
42. I am scared by what I see of the "Dating" world
43. I have an IQ of over 140
44. It hasn't helped me much
45. I read a LOT of books
46. I read at a very early age
47. I don't "get" mystery book series (A for Alibi, Kiss the Girls, Sneaky Pie, etc)
48. I am a sucker for True Crime books
49. I read more non-fiction than fiction
50. I love history books
51. I did very poorly in history as a student
52. I scored 1290 on my SAT's
53. That hasn't really helped me much, either
54. I have attended 3 colleges
55. I do not have a degree, yet
56. I don't foresee finishing my degree in nursing. EVER.
57. I never wanted to become a nurse
58. I wanted to become a Doctor
59. I thought that becoming a nurse would help me pay for medical school
60. Life, marriage and kids got in the way of that
61. I realize now that I would have probably been a disaster as a doctor
62. I worked as a professional and volunteer EMT for a few years before I became a nurse
63. I loved that job
64. I've seen a lot of weird crap in both professions
65. Before I got into the medical field, I worked for Domino's Pizza
66. I almost bought a small franchise
67. Instead, I left my boyfriend (who I was going to buy the franchise with)
68. I can spin a pizza
69. I know Morse code like a second language--I interpret much of what I hear into code
70. I was an Amateur Radio operator at 8 yrs old
71. I did a standup comedy routine at a club I used to go to
72. I used to have a speeding problem. I went in front of the same judge every week for a month because of separate moving violations
73. I rarely speed anymore
75. I have very long hair because my husband likes it
76. I actually like it, too...although I always say I'd love to cut it short
77. I had "High Hair" in the 80's, early 90's
78. From the time I was about 16 until probably 25, I refused to wear anything synthetic
79. I can't recall the last time I checked a tag to see what something was made of
80. Yes I do, it was a quilt.
81. I love to learn about different art techniques
82. I rarely finish any of my art projects
83. I have an embarrassing amount of art supplies
84. I am always late on group swaps or projects
85. I am addicted to Blogging
86. A long time ago, I was addicted to IRC chat
87. I was so silly :)
88. I used to run a very large Computer BBS in the early 90's
89. A previous user of my BBS was part of the inspiration for the movie, "Hackers"
90. I learned a bit of mischief hacking when I first started using the internet
91. I don't believe in interfering with wild animals (Zoos, whale watch, etc)
92. I don't like domesticated birds
93. I have always been a cat person
94. Now that I have a dog, I am also a dog person
95. I am as 'in love' with my husband as I was the day we met, maybe more so.
96. I never used to believe in "love at first sight" before I met him
97. I work only weekends
98. I used to HATE it if I had to work on the weekends even one day
99. I love my job
100. I would rather care for 20 critically ill people than ONE mentally ill person.
101. I am afraid of ever becoming mentally ill
Blogger Christine said...
More interesting than mine, by gum. But where's the last 10?

Blogger Robin said...
Here is where I say..."oh, is this thing ON?" because I SERIOUSLY thought I had only saved this as a draft!!! I got to where I was and realized, holy fucking shit, I could possibly do 5 of these damned things!! So, I decided to save it (AS A DRAFT!!!) and work on it later. It's comin, it's comin

Anonymous Anonymous said...
This reminds me of a Zen story.

A monk was traveling along, in route to see his friend whom he hadn't seen for many years. Upon arriving, his friend greeted him with a business card. It said, "Shao ling pong, Chief Officer of Liung Shao". The traveling monk looked at the card and walked away saying "I don't know you" The friend took the card back, and hurried to scratch out "Chief Officer of Liung Shao" and gave it back to the traveling monk. The monk then said ah! Shao ling pong! How have you been?

The 101 things here reminded me of the title after his name. Cheers!